In the Hindu religion, Ganesh is the god of beginnings, so I decided to start off by looking at the Tale of Ganesha. I also chose to pick this one because I was aware of some of the stories of Lord Ganesha. I feel like this is a great storybook, and the student does a great job to connect the audience with what he has to say. He starts off by bringing Ganesha back to Norman and having him tell stories here on Campus Corner, which most students are familiar with. He also brought in Sooner football facts, which also helps getting OU students to read this storybook. Overall, the design and the page layout seemed to be ordinary, but I loved the stories the student used.
The second storybook I chose to look at was How I Met Your Mother. This was very interesting to me because I wanted to see how someone could combine a story from one of the Indian Epics with a present day TV show. This storybook was great because the author did a great job of combining the two, while using actual quotes from the TV show whenever possible. I feel like this idea is sure to get a lot of views because I know a lot of people that watch this show and this a great way to inspire students these days to read stories like these. Another thing that I enjoyed about this storybook was the stories. I had never heard of the stories mentioned in the storybook, and it was fun learning something new. Overall, the design and the idea were amazing and this was possibly my favorite out of the ones I looked at.
The final storybook that I looked at was the Hanuman's Tale. I chose this story because I was sort of aware of the stories of Hanuman. These stories have always been fun to listen to and I loved this idea of hearing it with someone else's twist on it. I liked the way the author uses the god figures to narrate the tales. I feel like the introduction was great because it explained who Hanuman was. The design of this storybook was kind of ordinary, but the layout of the stories and the storybook makes up for it.
Hey Neeral, hope your weekend went well. I couldn't help but feel as though I may have picked the wrong short stories to read. After reading your synopsis of the How I Met Your Mother story I actually went to the page and read the story. That show was one of my all time favorites and I have to agree the way the author combined the show and stories into one was very well done.