In this part, Rama is on his journey back to Ayodhya. He stops in a couple of places before going back home, so he sends Hanuman to inform Bharatha that they are on their way back home. When they return, Bharatha takes care of the coronation ceremony and makes Rama the king once again. Hanuman, Sugriva, and Vibhishana leave; all bearing gifts from Rama for their support.
Rama hears gossip about Sita and how he lets her live with him, even after she stayed with Ravana. So, he orders Lakshmana to take her to the Gangas and abandon her there. Even though he is unwilling, he has to follow the orders of his brother.
It is believed that the separation of Rama from Sita is due to a curse that was cast on Vishnu a while back. Vishnu had killed some demons and a brahmin's wife, after the demon took shelter in the brahmin's house using King Aja's name. So King Aja's priest cursed Vishnu of separation from his spouse.
Once Lakshmana leaves Sita on the banks of Ganga, she gets the help of Valmiki, who was sent by Vibhisha and Narada. She stays at the hermitage of Valmiki and gives birth to Rama's two sons, Kusha and Lava. Kusha and Lava sing the Ramayana at the festival hosted by Rama. Rama finally realizes that those are his children and he talks to Sita. Sita takes a vow to Mother Earth to prove her innocence and goes to live underground. Lakshmana dies because of him breaking a private meeting between Rama and Time. Rama goes to Sarayu river and jumps in to end his life.
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